🚀I've seen the universe 🛰️, and it is beautiful. ☄️
🌟You glow differently when you are actually happy🌞
🙅There is no such thing as an angry deity 🙅♂️
🐣 Easter eggs are always in season 🎊
🤗 Appreciation is the currency of the universe 💝
♾️ The Universe is the World's Largest Nursery 👼 🎓
🎁 Please exit through the gift shop 😳
🧙🧙♂️ If you're magic and you know it - clap your hands! 👏👏
💃 What if Karma went through menopause and stopped getting her period? 😁 🎉
➿ The happier I am, the more I create. The more I create, the happier I am. ♾️
🤬👿 Your negative self-thoughts are not your own. They were fed to you. Spit them out. 😤🥹
Am I crazy, or am I just beautiful? You're welcome either way. Q
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