Sky above, sea below.
My art is an impression of my mind - an attempt to show the world things I can see with senses that I have no other way of expressing.
If my art attracted you, then I invite you for a peak deeper inside my mind. These aren't things I preach or teach or need the world to know or believe. I didn't ask you to come here, and I won't ask you to stay. This is just me allowing you to see what goes on inside my head, as an art form and expression of love to the creator in hopes that it may make the world a more beautiful place. But Be forewarned.
Also, so far I've been too lazy to make sense of all this shit and write a book.
If you are offended, you have no right to be. You're inside my head - you're welcome to leave, and I'd appreciate it if you keep this between us.
I'll repeat this so it's clear: The first rule of being inside chappy's mind is you do not talk about chappily.com.
And please exit through the gift shop.
💋 Chappy